long beach washington
the month of june is done. we ended it with a trip to long beach washington with paige and ken and their kids ava and nicholas... we stayed at breakers in a 2 room suite with kitchen... we arrived early sat. before our rooms were ready so we parked near main street and saw some sights.. went to the boardwalked beach and then found some lunch and rode a few carnival rides. the girls loved the tilt-a-whirl, as did i... sat. night after a pizza dinner we had a pre birthday celebration for ruby since ava will not be able to come over tuesd.... it was fun, cake and ice cream and a great gift from the sciulli's thanks!... sunday morning after the ladies did some walking on the beach with strollers and ken with ava gathered breakfast, i kept quite while sawyer napped.. we checked outta the room and went north to oysterville to get oysters and other products of our liking..i picked up some marmalade. we headed back to long beach and did a pony ride then found some great lunch and then finished our time in long beach with more carnival rides.. this time, ken ava and ruby and i rode the tilt a whirl.. we had some spins that were super g force feeling... the big finish was on the spider or octopus ride... i forgot how much that can spin as it goes up and down and around and spinning... ruby did great on it and ava rode with ken also doing great... it was nice to escape from the city to a small coastal region. good to be back but now to bed for work in the morning is on the menu. cheers!
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