update on ruby and sawyer
where to begin with the latest? no idea. sawyer is walking more and more. he is getting more teeth and sharing more emotions with us. he says ma ma ma.. dada dada.. kinda says by by in his own way. ruby is a total big girl now. we had some delay on her #2 with a potty but that is all official as of 3days ago. what a difference it makes. we are so happy and she is so proud. she seems so much older now that it is a done doody deal! :-) we will be looking at options for her school next year as she will be in kindergarten... the office is cleared out and ready for new paint on the walls and floor. we will put a nice area rug in the center of the room along with a desk, bookshelf, tabletop, chair and lamps in it after the paint has dried. .. a photo of the kids tonight after dinner. i'm looking forward to the weekend with them. hope it stays dry outside so we can do some adventuring!